Vendor Information Page
RealRooms Seller’s Onboarding Guide, Policies, and Procedures
Hello and welcome to RealRooms!
We are very pleased that you have decided to join our family!
We have put this guide together to help you navigate through our onboarding process and beyond! We hope that you find it useful, and we are eagerly anticipating your support in providing the best quality furniture and home décor for our customers.
We look forward to working with you!
Best Regards,
The RealRooms Team
Supplier to:
□ Sign Ecommerce Supplier Agreement, Ecommerce Policy, and Ecommerce Content Guidelines.
□ Complete Vendor Set-Up Request and ACH Form.
□ Provide shipping facilities to be set up with UPS and/or FedEx.
□ Provide which categories their catalog will include (which will determine which attributes are required).
□ Provide contact information for any team members who will need access to Duoplane and Passport.
□ Participate in Live Passport Training
□ Get their connections to Duoplane setup.
□ Enter their products and pricing into Passport
□ Participate in testing to ensure all is working correctly prior to go-live.
What is Passport?
Passport is a proprietary website that houses product detail. Our suppliers will focus primarily on product information (such as product specifications, images of product, shipping information, etc.) which can be found in Passport’s Product Editor. Also available, is the search feature and the Products grid. Each of these resources can assist with finding products recently developed and ensuring you are not creating duplicate products.
Logging into Passport
Users are given a specific username and temporary password. At first initial log in, users should create a new password.
Passport URL:
Navigating Passport
Passport navigation takes place on the left navigation panel. Suppliers will have their own tab, where you will find products drop down.
Searching for Models
Searching for models can be done in two places – either using the Search Bar at the top left of Passport or using the Products Grid.
Search Bar:
- Place your cursor in the search bar and begin typing either the name or model number for the item you are looking for. Press either the magnifying glass or the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard.
- A list of search results will appear.
- Select the hyperlink to open the item’s Product Editor and review product detail.
Products Grid:
- Open your Products grid from the Supplier Tab > Products > Products. A list of all your products will appear.
- Below the name of the grid users will see a filters option. From the first drop down select Model Search. The second drop down should include the = to option. And the third option is a blank spot to type in the model number you are searching for.
- To access the items Product Editor; select the blue hyperlink under the Model column.
Using the Product Grid
As seen in the Searching for Models section, a grid can be used to identify the products currently within the Suppliers division. Grids are like spreadsheets, however within Passport users can customize these to show them product detail they need. This grid can be found under the Supplier tab > Products > Products.
When you open an exceptionally large grid you may see a notification stating ‘The grid takes an average of X seconds to run. Please confirm the filters and columns before loading.’ This notification is simply stating, if you can narrow down your results of the grid, this will help save you time with opening it. To load the grid without filters, select the Load Grid option.
Filtering a Grid
If users are looking for a specific model number or a specific product category, a filter can be used to narrow down the results. By default, the Products grid will show you items that are in development status, but users can change that filter.
Within the first drop-down users will find everything that a user can filter by for the selected grid. The second drop-down is the operator choice. Depending on the option selected within the first drop-down will determine the operator choices users have in the second. The third drop-down again is dependent on what was selected in the first drop-down.
Adding Columns to a Grid
Users can also add additional columns to a grid. This can be helpful if you want to include product detail such as color, features, attributes, or overview product detail that has been added to the Product Editor. To add columns in Passport:
- Select the Open Change Columns icon to the right of the grid. A Grid: Select Columns and Reorder popup will appear with all your available and selected columns. The columns on the right are columns that already exist in the grid. Columns on the left are columns that users can add to the grid.
- Press Save Columns once the columns have been updated.

Setting up a New Item
- Open the Supplier division tab.
- Find the Products dropdown.
- Open the Products grid.
- A grid will appear with all products currently within the Supplier division.
- Press the Add Product button at the bottom of the page.
- A New Product pop up will appear. Input the appropriate required fields on the Overview tab.
- Press the Create button.
- Select OK to exit out of the notification and begin item setup process.
- Fill out the required fields:
- Name: The Name of the product
- Base Model: The Model Number for the product. This should have been created prior to starting the item setup process.
- Department: The product hierarchy; the classification of the item. Department is the main group the item falls under. For example, if the item is a Kitchen Table it may fall under the Kitchen Department.
- Category: The product hierarchy; the classification of the item. Category is the second group the item falls under. For example, if the item is a Kitchen Table it may fall under the Dining Tables category.
- Shipping Weight: How much does the item weigh with box and packing material included.
- Countries available in: The countries that the item can be sold in.

- Review the remaining fields.
- Press the Create button.
- To begin selling a product, users must change the product Status to Production. When this occurs, additional required fields will need to be added. After adding product detail to a tab, press the Quick Save button between each tab. Fill out the following required fields:
- Description: A description of the product that can be used for retailer websites and marketing pamphlets.
- Product Specifications such as height, width, depth, and weight

Attributes Tab
All Attributes in the Required block. Attributes are based on the product category, so every product will have different required attributes. Once all required fields have been met, press the Save & Close button. The product can now be sold.
Features Tab
Features are the bullet points you typically find on a retailer website that briefly describes the item. To add a feature:
- Open the Features tab on the item’s Product Editor.
- Press the Add New button.
- A pop up will appear, type the feature text into the box.
- Press the Quick Save or Save & Close button once completed.
- To add more than one feature, use the steps above for each feature.
Images Tab
Images can be used for retailer websites or for division presentations. To add images:
- Ensure images have been loaded into a file on your computer. Images should be saved at 2000 x 2000 pixels for best quality. Uploading one image size will present you with additional image sizes once you have added the image into Passport.
- Either drag and drop images from your file into dotted line or press the Select Files button and add the images.
- Add the presets in and then press Upload Images. Select Quick Save or Save & Close after images have been added.
Videos Tab
Like images, videos are something that can be added to show consumers assembly of product, marketing videos, or warranty videos. To add a video:
- Press Add New button.
- Add the video information, then press the Save button.
- Title: The name of the video. (Required)
- Type: The kind of video being presented (marketing, assembly, etc.) (Required)
- Include on Default Tab: Press ‘Yes’ if the video should be available for Sales Reps to use. Press ‘No’ if the video should not be available for Sales Reps to use.
- Public URL: A public URL is a link to a video that can be setup on websites easily.
- Download URL: A downloadable URL is a link that can be downloaded and provided to sales reps to present to their retailers.
- Video Password: A password is not required for videos however users can designate one if they would like.
- Press the Quick Save or Save & Close button once completed.
Documents Tab
To add documents such as assembly manuals for your product, use the Documents tab in the Product Editor.
- Ensure documents have been saved to your computer. If submitting one document use the Upload Presets and find the document type within the dropdown.
- Then either drag and drop your document into the dotted lines or press the Select Files button and find the saved document on your computer.
- A pop-up will appear. Ensure the preset is correct. Add a required Title for your document and IM Number (model number). Select the Upload Documents button once completed.
- Press the Quick Save or Save & Close button once completed.
Variants Tab
Sometimes products have different variations that need to be setup. Currently Passport can variate products with different color or size. Also, within Passport users have the option to duplicate an existing product and copy the current product detail into a new items Product Editor.
When creating variant products; ensure that you have the model numbers and UPCs for each of the items you will be variating. Set a product as your base variant. This will be the “master” product that users use to create all other non-base variants from.
Creating Non-Base Variants using the Duplicate Tool
- Once your “master” product is created, open the Overview tab on the product and under the Special Actions dropdown press the Duplicate button.
- A pop up will appear ensuring you want to duplicate the product. Press OK. The system will then begin creating the duplicate product. Nearly everything on the Overview tab will be pulled over except for needing to add the new Model Number and the Shipping Weight dimensions. Add the Model Number and Shipping Weight dimensions, then press the Save or Save & Close button at the bottom.
Adding the Variants into a Product Variant Group
To keep all variants together, users must create a Product Variant Group that houses all master and non-base variants.
Creating a Product Variant Group
To create a group either from the Overview tab or from the Variants tab, find the Create Variant Group button. A popup will appear asking if you want to open the Variant Group Editor in a new Popup or a new Window. Select the option you would like.
The Product Variant group editor will appear.
- Create New Product Variant Group: Which helps users create a new variant group to add to all the variants.
- Add the Product Variant Group Name
- Select the type of variant – either Size or Color
- Not Required: Parent SKU
- Not Required: Parent Title
- Not Required: Parent Description
- Base Variant Model number for the variant group. By default, this will set as the current model.
- Since the item is the base variant; select the Base Variant, Press the Create Variant Group button once completed
The Product Variant Group has now been created. You’ll be directed to the next page which will allow users to add variants into their group.
Adding Variants to Variant Group
Users will be directed to the Current Variants page where they can add the remaining variants into the group. The Products Variant Editor can also be found in the Products Variant tab of the Product Editor. To add variants to the group,
- Find the Search for Additional Variants search bar. Type in the model number for the non-base variants that need to be added to the group.
- Press the green plus sign icon at the top to add the variants to the group. Variant will appear in the Current Variant Group products section.
Duoplane is the logistics solution that we will use for order processing and routing between the Shopify site and third-party vendors. The platform allows for vendors to create and manage personal logins and be able to access and ship open purchase orders from the store. Vendors will also be able to set up automated feeds between their logistics systems and Duoplane to pull new purchase orders and upload shipments (tracking numbers). Vendors will also be able to set up inventory feeds to provide regular updated product inventory counts at the SKU level.
Logging In
Please contact the Dorel team and provide a primary point of contact/email for the person who will manage Duoplane users for your team. Dorel will create an account under your vendor portal to allow you to start using the platform. You can log in at
The Duoplane Portal
The Portal allows you to view and ship Purchase Orders (POs) from manually using an intuitive interface:
Duoplane offers documentation on using the system which can be found here:
This should provide a comprehensive guide to getting acclimated to the portal functionality and PO processing flow. Please contact the Dorel team with any questions on the process or if you need assistance. Dorel can provide live training if needed on using the portal.
Orders are regularly synched from the Shopify site into Duoplane, and if there are any combined orders (one Dorel/RealRooms product and one Vendor (your) product), you will only see a PO for the product/s that you are responsible for shipping.
All product information, model numbers (SKUs), wholesale costs, etc. that appear on the Purchase Order in Duoplane are managed through Dorel’s systems (Passport and Shopify) - contact the Dorel team if you see any inaccuracies, this information cannot be changed in Duoplane.
We encourage suppliers to provide us with their full assortment of products and goods, which were agreed upon, which we will sell and market through our E-Commerce Business. Either party may amend the list of products and goods from time to time, upon mutual agreement in writing.
Product Specifications
Product specifications to be provided by Supplier to DHF will include, but are not limited to:
· Product Name
· Base Model SKU number
· Category (bed, rocker, glider, etc.)
· Product weight
· Product shape (rectangular, square, etc.)
· Shipping weight
· Materials
· Usage grade
· Warranty
· Description
· Department (furniture type)
· Product dimensions (product height, width and depth)
· Shipping dimensions (shipping length, height and girth)
· Color
· Recommended rooms
· Primary material
· Countries available (if applicable)
· Whether Product should be listed in a separate listing or variations listing
Supplier will provide additional Product specifications as requested by DHF or as specified in the Company Platform.
Supplier must provide Product specifications (including department, category, subcategory and type) in conformity with DHF’s nomenclature and hierarchy.
Supplier must upload Product Testing Certificates for items. Refer to the Documents Tab in PASSPORT INTRODUCTION AND ITEM SET-UP for instructions on how to complete this step.
Product Description
The description of the Product should:
- include the Product Name, brand, and a description of the Product’s features
- be clear, useful, and expressed in plain language, using 300-400 words
- if the Product has a variant, all available versions of the Product should be mentioned
Key features
Supplier must provide five (5) key features of the Product as follows:
- each feature to be presented in bullet point form (between 80-200 characters per bullet point)
- each bullet point should contain short phrases and key words in relation to the Product
- key features should be listed in order of importance, from most to least important
SKU numbers
- Supplier must supply a single SKU number per Product.
- Multi-box Products must have a single parent SKU number which will be used to list and sell the Product. Order Notifications transmitted through Duoplane will only specify the single parent SKU number related to the Product. Supplier must be able to handle its own multi-box logistics.
- Each SKU number must be limited to a maximum of 15 characters.
Product Images
Supplier must provide the following Product images:
- Primary Product images showcasing the Product, without any accessories, on a seamless white background (255/255/255 RGB), each depicting:
- head-on view of the front of the Product
- front of the Product facing left at a 45-degree angle
- front of the product facing right at a 45-degree angle
- head-on view of the back of the Product
- back of the Product facing left at a 45-degree angle
- back of the Product facing right at a 45-degree angle
- 3-4 additional lifestyle images showcasing the Product in an appropriate setting or environment. The product view may have the Product rotated.
- 1-3 line art images of the Product (a blueprint-looking image with all dimensions of the Product listed)
- Additional Product images showcasing the Product, with accessories, on a seamless white background (255/255/255 RGB) are permitted
Image Quality Standards
All images:
- must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed
- depict the Product centered in the image; the Product should also be the focus of the image.
- may not contain additional graphics, illustrations, logos, watermarks, overlays or text, unless otherwise specified above
Technical Standards
All images must:
- be square
- meet the following resolution/DPI standards: 2000 px x 2000 px, at 72 dots per inch
- be provided in a web-ready format (JPEG, JPG or PNG)
- RGB or CMYK color mode are acceptable (RGB preferred)
- a maximum file size of under 10 MB is preferred
Written Product Information Guidelines
Any written Product Information, including Product descriptions and key features, may not include:
- Any sales information (e.g., shipping information, Product cost, promotions, etc.);
- Unproven or vague marketing phrases.
- Any verbiage referencing other marketplaces (e.g., “sold on Amazon”, “Alexa”, “Sold on eBay”, etc.).
- Retailer-specific information about the Product (e.g., special sales, guaranteed ship times, etc.).
All written Product Information must be available in English.
Instruction manuals for each Product must also be provided in .pdf format.
Warehousing and Multi-box Items
All vendor SKUs are inventoried under a single warehouse/location in Duoplane. You should provide an inventory feed that is a roll-up of all warehouse inventories (if a single SKU is shipped from multiple locations). Logistics (determining the ship-from warehouse) in this situation will be handled by the Vendor, outside of Duoplane.
Multibox items will be represented by a single Parent SKU – Box 1, Box 2 SKUs will not be handled in or Duoplane.
Setting up Feeds
While orders can be pulled and shipped directly in the Portal during the setup phase of your integration with, we strongly recommend setting up automated feeds for order processing. Duoplane supports a number of options for setting up automated feeds for pulling down open Purchase Orders, Fulfilling Orders (with tracking numbers) and sending Inventory levels for your SKUs.
Please contact the Dorel team to discuss feeds and required feed frequency. There is more information about feed options here:
Note that our Duoplane account also supports API connections (not noted in the document above) - please contact the Dorel team if you need technical assistance / documentation for API connections.
*Integration fees, at the supplier’s expense, may occur.
Order Messaging with Dorel (Order Issues, Cancellations, etc.)
Duoplane supports Purchase Order notes, and any communication around issues with a specific purchase order can be made using this field:
Submitting a message on the Purchase Order will send an email to Dorel (for notes you create) and will send an email to your contact of choice (for notes Dorel creates). Please confirm an email/contact name for any order-related messaging coming from Duoplane.
Testing the Process
Once you are ready to sell items on and have created all necessary Duoplane accounts with company/contact information, the Dorel team will work with you on an end-to-end order test. The steps of shipping an order with Dorel (what we will test):
- Product (to sell) is added to Dorel’s system (Passport) with all necessary product information (images, description, required attributes, Wholesale Costs and Pricing)
- Product is pushed to the Shopify site
- Product is in stock in Vendor (your) warehouse
- Vendor adds product inventory to Duoplane (inventory feed)
- Test order is placed on (as a customer)
- Order is imported into Duoplane
- Vendor confirms purchase order and imports into their system (manually or via feed)
- Vendor ships purchase order to customer
- Vendor updates Duoplane to indicate order is shipped, and adds tracking number (manually or via feed)
- Order is automatically marked as Fulfilled in
- Customer is charged for the order and Dorel records the sale for invoicing
Supplier will be provided with its own credentials to access the Duoplane portal and will be permitted to create staff logins. Supplier agrees to upload any required Supplier, Product and Order information to the Portal.
The Portal will be the primary communication tool between Supplier and DHF with regard to Order Fulfillment. It will be the only method utilized by DHF to notify the Supplier of an Order.
Supplier will warehouse and maintain custody and control of sufficient inventory of Products in the United States and will provide accurate inventory feeds as often as reasonably requested by DHF, and at least once every twenty-four (24) hours.
DHF will request that Supplier fulfill an order for Products placed by a Customer through its E-Commerce Business by issuing a notification of the Order to Supplier in the manner specified in the Policy. Each Order will be deemed to have been accepted by Supplier pursuant to the terms of the Policy. Supplier will only fulfill Orders with Products located and warehoused in the United States.
Supplier must inform DHF if it wishes to cancel or reject an Order within 24 hours of receipt of an Order Notification by inputting “0” as the quantity of Product to be shipped in Duoplane. Through Duoplane, Supplier will indicate the reason for the cancellation by adding a vendor note to the purchase order specifying “Item Not Available” or “Supplier Cancel”. Otherwise, Supplier is deemed to have accepted the Order and will be obligated to fulfill same.
Supplier must immediately notify DHF if an Order contains Products that are out of stock/on backorder, or if the Order would otherwise be subject to delayed fulfillment. DHF reserves the right to cancel any such Order.
Supplier will process and fulfill accepted Orders within two (2) business days of receipt of an Order Notification. DHF may, at its sole discretion, reject or cancel any shipment of Products which have not been processed and fulfilled within this delay. Supplier agrees to reimburse DHF for any costs resulting from late shipment of Products due to Supplier’s delay.
Supplier will mark, package, and label all Products and process all Orders in accordance with: (i) the Policy, (ii) all applicable laws and regulations, and (iii) any requirements of the carrier responsible for shipping the Order to Customer. Supplier will properly pack and secure the Products to ensure they reach their destination in an undamaged condition.
Supplier is responsible for arranging shipment of the Order to Customer in the manner specified in the Policy. Supplier agrees that it will only utilize carriers authorized by DHF to ship to Customer. DHF will be responsible for shipping costs to the Customer.
Subject to the foregoing, an Order will be considered fulfilled upon delivery to and receipt by Carrier for shipment to Customer.
Supplier must ship Orders using Carriers authorized by DHF (currently, UPS and FedEx only). Supplier is required to use Carrier Accounts when shipping Orders to Customers. To this end, Supplier will schedule Order pickups with the Carrier and provide all relevant shipping details, including the Customer address specified in the Order Notification, through its Carrier Account. Supplier will identify DHF as the shipper of record.
Supplier will only ship Orders to addresses located within the continental United States.
Supplier will use the packing slip automatically generated in Duoplane. Supplier will ensure that the package appears to be sent by DHF and that the packing slip states: “We're here to help if you have any questions or need assistance. Please email for all inquiries.”
DHF will provide a payment invoice to Supplier detailing amounts owed for all Orders fulfilled by Supplier in the preceding calendar month. The invoice amount shall include the Price of the Products in each Fulfilled Order, less any discounts, allowances, and credits to which DHF is entitled pursuant to this Agreement. DHF shall remit the invoice along with full payment of the invoice amount within thirty (30) days of the end of the month in which the Orders were fulfilled. Supplier shall grant to DHF an early payment discount of one percent (1%) of the invoiced amount for payment received within fifteen (15) days of the end of the month in which the Orders were fulfilled. Payment shall be remitted to Supplier through Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer, by check, or by other means of payment, as specified below.
Payments to Supplier shall be sent as follows:
Name of Financial Institution:
Address of Financial Institution:
ABA Routing Number:
For the Account of:
Account No.:
Account Type: checking savings
Branch Number (for Canadian Banks)
Dorel Home Furnishings
Attn: Accounts Payable
410 East First St. South
Wright City, MO 63390
Per the terms of the Agreement, DHF may, in certain circumstances, elect to return Products to the Supplier. If DHF elects to return Products to Supplier, DHF will instruct the Customer to send the Products directly to the Supplier at Supplier’s address as provided to DHF, unless Supplier has provided an alternate return center address.
Supplier will notify DHF within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of a Product Return from a Customer.
Supplier agrees to cooperate with DHF and, if necessary and at DHF’s instruction, with the Customer, in the return or disposal of Returned Products as outlined in this Policy and in the Agreement.
Customer Service
DHF will be the first point of contact with Customers before and after Product sales. Unless otherwise agreed with DHF, Supplier will only directly communicate with Customers regarding:
- The distribution and processing of Product warranties and any Product warranty-related matters.
- Product recalls and safety alerts.
- Defective Products (e.g., replacement of defective Products or Product parts, etc.).
If contacted by a customer for any other reason, Supplier will instruct Customer to contact DHF directly to address any Customer service and Product issues.
Supplier is required to respond to all inquiries from Customers and DHF with high quality responses within one (1) business day.
Contact Information
Vendor Support
Customer Service
Passport Assistance
Candace Buchanan
Duoplane Assistance